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The file is in your name

It is not about a debt with a Bank
088 6555 740
It does involve a debt with a Bank
088 6555 520
The file is with a bailiff (or other outside party)
088 6555 799
It is about Debt Relief, WSNP or Bankruptcy proceedings
088 6555 560
This is a loan with Vesting Finance (formerly Nationale Nederlanden)
088 6556 080
Bericht ontvangen van Vesting Support? Bel met
088 655 6155

Het dossier staat op naam van een (voormalig) bedrijf

Het gaat over een PENSIOEN dossier
088 6555 825
Het gaat over een andere zakelijke vorderingen op het bedrijf
088 6555 850
Het gaat om een andere vraag
088 6555 000 (Keuze 3)

Do you have questions or are you looking for help?

For any information or support, please feel free to contact us. Together we will improve your financial situation with personalized solutions.


Would you like to know more about our services and what our services can do for your organization? And would you like to contact one of our account managers as a business partner or business relation?

Questions by mail

It is also possible to send us an e-mail. Then don't forget to put the file number in the subject!


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Complaint Procedure

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Frequently asked questions

Find quick answers to your questions about our services and your situation. At Vesting Finance, we are ready to help you with personalized solutions. Together, we will work toward a financially healthy future.

If you disagree with a BKR registration in your name, you can send a removal request to our BKR desk. We will investigate whether we have complied with the BKR regulations. You do not have to hire a lawyer or attorney for a removal request. If you do not agree with our conclusion, you can file a complaint with the Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid) or take the complaint to the civil courts.

If your removal request is denied and your BKR registration is found to be correct, it will be maintained. In special circumstances you can ask us to weigh up your interests. In doing so, you must properly motivate and substantiate your personal interests. To make an interest assessment, you can e-mail us the required documentation and substantiation.

Return the letter unopened to the sender with a notice on the envelope that the addressee is not a resident at the address. If you often receive mail for people who do not live at your address, contact your municipality's Population Registry Department.

You can request a review of your information online through the My BKR Information link at BKR. This is also called inspection.

Als je het niet eens bent met een schuld die je bij ons moet aflossen, willen we graag weten waarom. Ga naar deze pagina en vul het formulier in.

Dit kun je terugvinden in onze portal. Log in met je dossiernummer en postcode. Mocht je hulp nodig hebben, neem dan altijd direct contact met ons op. Wij helpen je graag!

Het BKR houdt gegevens bij van mensen die een krediet hebben of hebben gehad in de afgelopen 5 jaar. Een positieve BKR-registratie ontstaat bij het afsluiten van een lening en geeft aan dat je een krediet hebt. Als je niet op tijd betaalt, is de kredietverstrekker verplicht om de achterstand te melden bij het BKR, wat kan resulteren in een negatieve BKR-registratie. Dit kan gevolgen hebben voor het aanvragen van nieuwe leningen of hypotheek, en bij het afsluiten van een mobiel telefoonabonnement.

When you fail to pay a bill, the creditor may charge additional fees. These are extrajudicial collection costs. The government determines the maximum collection costs a creditor may charge, laid down in the Decree on Compensation for Extrajudicial Collection Costs (BIK). The creditor may charge a maximum percentage over the principal amount; interest does not count. You pay a minimum of €40. The collection costs are as follows:

  • For a principal amount up to and including € 2,500, the applicable percentage is 15% with a maximum of € 375 (minimum € 40).
  • For a principal amount above € 2,500 to € 5,000, you pay € 375 plus 10% over the amount above € 2,500.
  • For a principal amount above € 5,000 to € 10. 000, it is € 625 plus 5% over the amount over € 5,000.
  • For a principal amount over € 10,000 to € 200,000, you pay € 875 plus 1% over the amount over € 10,000.
  • For a principal amount over € 200,000, it is € 2,775 plus 0.5% over the amount over € 200,000 with a maximum of € 6,775.

You can calculate collection costs yourself with the calculator at https://www.schuldinfo.nl/. More information on current figures and out-of-court collection costs can be found on the central government website.

You can pay off your debt with us by easily transferring the total amount via iDEAL. To do this, log in with your file number and zip code. To pay off business debts, transfer the amount to the account number specified in our letter, and don't forget to include the file number and name in the description. If you no longer have the letter, please contact us. Click on this link for the correct phone number. If it is not possible to pay the debt at once, we are happy to look at a solution with you. Please contact us for this.

You can submit your complaint by filling in the complaint form below, indicating your file number. Once we have received your complaint, we will contact you by telephone within 5 working days to discuss everything.

Please let us know via the complaint form below, stating your file number. Within 5 working days you will receive a confirmation from us and we will give you an honest and clear answer to your complaint within 4 weeks. Should we not have an answer for you within 4 weeks, we will inform you.

If our response or final position does not meet your expectations, you can submit your complaint to the Complaints Institute for Certified Debt Collection Services (KIGID) or the Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid).

View the latest interest rates for Sparck Hypotheken BV and KU88 BV. Click here to view the full list of interest rates

With an overdraft it is possible to withdraw more from a bank, often temporarily, than is actually in your account. Red standing is therefore a form of borrowing money from your bank. If the amount you are overdrawn is higher than €250, the bank is legally obliged to check your details with the Credit Registration Office (BKR) and to ask you a number of questions about your personal and financial situation.

Yes, being overdrawn at your bank affects your mortgage application. If you want to borrow a maximum mortgage, it is often wise to exhaust your overdraft option (temporarily ). You can contact your bank for this.

If you need help resolving your debt, you can always contact us. We are happy to think along with you and work with you to find a suitable solution so that you can get out of your situation debt-free. If you experience mental pressure, we recommend calling 113 of the Suicide Prevention Foundation via Stichting Zelfmoordpreventie.  They can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Vesting Finance Servicing B.V. carries out the operational work for all credit agreements that Tinka clients have. From now on, Vesting Finance will be the first point of contact for all your questions about your loan and its payment. The services from Vesting Finance Servicing will continue on behalf of Tinka.

If you have any questions about your contract: Contractbeheer@mijnlening.tinka.nl.
If you have any questions about your arrears: Debiteurenbeheer@mijnlening.tinka.nl

The Tinka app is no longer in use. Customers who have a credit agreement with Tinka can now log in to the new Online Tinka portal.

More informationDid you know you can find many answers to questions through our website? Or visit www.tinka.nl for more information.

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